Types of News


News are events, facts, or opinions pertaining to politics, culture, sports, business, education, weather, or other current affairs that are of interest to a large group of people. They can range from the mundane to the extraordinary, but all should be reported objectively and without bias. Often, news articles contain multiple sources to add credibility and weight to the information. This is important, as it demonstrates that the writer is not making the story up or simply repeating a rumor. It is also a good idea to have someone else read the article before it is submitted for publication. This will give them a fresh set of eyes to catch any errors or omissions.

News is considered to be a vital part of a democracy, as it keeps the citizenry informed about what is happening in their government and their community. This information is used to make political and economic decisions, as well as to form an opinion on a particular topic or issue. News may be written for general audiences or geared toward a specific audience, such as a specialized community or publication. Some examples of news include a celebrity scandal, natural disasters, or government proclamations.

There are many different types of news, and the type that is most interesting to a reader will vary depending on the person’s personal preferences. News articles should have the following elements to be considered “newsworthy”:

Exclusivity: Stories that are exclusive to a particular news organization or first published in the media. This includes interviews with the subject of a story, as well as letters, investigations, or surveys.

In-depth: News stories that take a smaller subset of a larger overall story and explore them in greater detail, with heavy research. For example, a news story about a house fire might have a follow-up piece on the victims a week later.

Impact: How many people are affected by the event or how close it is to them emotionally. For example, a house fire would be more impactful to readers than a traffic accident that occurred far away from them.

Controversy: Does the story involve conflict, tension or public debate? For example, a celebrity divorce or a controversial policy.

Shareability: Stories that are likely to generate attention from social media. This can include a viral video or a breaking news story.

Entertainment: Stories concerning sex, celebrities, showbusiness or animal stories that are entertaining, offer opportunities for humorous treatment, have striking photographs or provide a witty headline.

The most important thing to remember about news is that it changes constantly, but it doesn’t necessarily change immediately. As long as it is reported in a fair and balanced manner, news can be a valuable tool for a democracy. Keeping up with the news can be overwhelming, however. Turning off push notifications from your news app can help you avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information out there. Instead, try to keep up with a weekly or biweekly rundown of the major developments in your area of interest.