Religion refers to the set of beliefs, values and practices held by a group of people. Most of us believe in some form of religion and, as a result, religion is one of the most widespread aspects of human culture.
Throughout history there have been many different religions and today there are still thousands of religious communities worldwide, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Some of these groups live a religious life and spend their time in prayer, while others carry out an active apostolate through teaching, missionary work and caring for the sick.
Some theories suggest that religion developed in response to human curiosity about the big questions of life and death and a fear of uncontrollable forces in the world around them. Other theories suggest that it emerged as a human need for hope: the belief in immortality, the promise of a happy afterlife, a loving creator who cares for humans and an ultimate meaning to life.
A number of approaches to the study of religion have been developed by social scientists. Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx were among the early social theorists who studied the relationship between religion and society. Their research led to the development of modern sociology.
The social functions of religion are still a major area of interest in the study of religion. Sociologists such as Durkheim and Weber have suggested that religion serves a number of purposes for society. It can create a sense of community, provide stability, control behavior and give direction to human lives. It can also serve as a source of power and strength for individuals and groups.
Scientists who focus on the psychological and biological aspects of religion have also studied its origins and functions. Psychologists have suggested that religion answers emotional and psychological needs in humans, such as the fear of death or a desire for a spiritual experience beyond the ordinary. Neuroscientists have found evidence that certain parts of the brain are involved in the occurrence of religious experiences.
There are also a number of philosophical and mystical approaches to the study of religion. Some of these are based on the idea that religion is a universal phenomenon and that all faiths can be reduced to a single, basic premise: the existence of a transcendent god or spirit. Philosophers such as Martin Heidegger have argued that this basic premise is not necessarily true and that religion may be the human response to the emptiness and insignificance of life on earth.
It is important to note that, while all of these various approaches to the study of religion share some common elements, it is impossible to construct a definition of religion which is completely accurate or complete. It is possible, however, to identify some characteristics that separate religion from other phenomena: intensity and comprehensiveness. When we look at these features, we can begin to understand why scientific findings and philosophical criticisms do not disturb religious believers as much as they might otherwise.